CSLKC White Anti-Racism Project
What exactly is the White Anti-racism Project?
Is it possible to create a world that works for everyone?
Whose work is it to do?
This group is for white people who are dedicated to not only being antiracist, but also to making lasting change for their own lives and for their community.
Our intention is to create a safe and sacred space in which to have open discussion. To have a shared experience in healing racism, to become aware of our own racial biases, to support each other by breaking the silence about racism, and to work toward change. We believe that if we, as white people, want to “create a world that works for everyone”, this is work we must do.
White people and people of color have work to do, both separately and together. Our first step as white people, is to examine what it means to be white, to reflect upon our beliefs, our actions, and our privilege. Only then can we participate in creating a world that works for everyone.
We will do this work with book discussions, guest speakers, movies and other materials that are relevant. We will share resources for further learning about how our beliefs about race affects us, and in turn, our community.
We are all learning. We are not here to teach anything. We are not the experts. We are looking forward to learning and growing with you!
2021 Monthly Anti-Racism Project Zoom Meetings (3rd MONDAYS) 6:30-8:00PM (CST):
How to Be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi
How to be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi. This book is so packed with information and insight that we decided to meet on the first and third Monday of the month while we are reading and discussing this book.
We are also planning a field trip to see the photography exhibit, The Ghosts of Segregation at the Lawrence Arts Center, on Sunday, November 21. We will meet at the Arts Center at 2:00 pm.
For more information, go to https://lawrenceartscenter.org/event/ghosts-of-segregation-photographs-by-richard-frishman/, or contact Virginia (vafirestone110@gmail.com or Jessica (jessica@cslkc.org).
Tickets to the exhibit are free, but we need to let them know how many will be in our group so let us know by November 17 if you would like to attend.November 15, 2021
No registration required. Join our White Anti-Racism Zoom Conversation on any date above:
Topic: CSL-KC Antiracism Project Zoom Meeting
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime
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Questions? Contact Jessica at Jessica@cslkc.org, or Virginia at vafirestone110@gmail.com