Heart, Mind & Spirit Recovery
A new way of thinking about Recovery!
Meets Thursdays
5:45pm - 6:40pm
Buddha Room
This Recovery program was developed to lead people into a greater awareness of the spiritual component of recovery. For those who want to pursue the next chapter of their recovery, this program is designed to foster deep and lasting recovery, based on spiritual principles.
The Heart, Mind & Spirit Recovery® program is a proven 52-week spiritually based Recovery Meeting Program developed by Reverend Carol Wilke, a recovering alcoholic who has background in AA , New Thought, Spirituality and Science of Mind philosophy.
Childcare available.
Every Sunday is hospitality Sunday at 9:00am.
Join us for beverages, something to eat, and great conversations.
Practitioner Sunday
Sunday March 16 is Practitioner Sunday at 10:00am. Our Prayer Practitioners will be serving as greeters, ushers, youth church volunteers, and one will be giving the talk.
To learn more about our prayer practitioners and prayer at CSLKC, visit our website: https://cslkc.org/prayer
Heart, Mind & Spirit Recovery
A new way of thinking about Recovery!
Meets Thursdays
5:45pm - 6:40pm
Buddha Room
This Recovery program was developed to lead people into a greater awareness of the spiritual component of recovery. For those who want to pursue the next chapter of their recovery, this program is designed to foster deep and lasting recovery, based on spiritual principles.
The Heart, Mind & Spirit Recovery® program is a proven 52-week spiritually based Recovery Meeting Program developed by Reverend Carol Wilke, a recovering alcoholic who has background in AA , New Thought, Spirituality and Science of Mind philosophy.
Childcare available.
Authentic Relating Games Night
Authentic Relating Games Nights are interactive experiences designed to foster genuine connection through pair and small group exercises that encourage presence, vulnerability, and deep listening.
By stepping beyond small talk, participants build emotional intelligence, strengthen relationships, and cultivate a greater sense of belonging and self-awareness.
Join us on Thursday March 20th at 7pm to make new friends and be a part of the conversation.
Ramadan Iftar Dinner
During the month of Ramadan, Muslims won’t eat or drink between dawn and sunset. This fast is important during Ramadan as Muslims believe it allows them to devote themselves to their faith and come closer to Allah, or God.
Iftar is the meal just after sunset when families and friends will get together to break their fast by sharing the Iftar dinner.
CSL is hosting the Iftar Dinner on Friday March 21 at 6:30pm and welcoming our Muslim friends from the Kansas City Dialogue Institute.
Every Sunday is hospitality Sunday at 9:00am.
Join us for beverages, something to eat, and great conversations.
Heart, Mind & Spirit Recovery
A new way of thinking about Recovery!
Meets Thursdays
5:45pm - 6:40pm
Buddha Room
This Recovery program was developed to lead people into a greater awareness of the spiritual component of recovery. For those who want to pursue the next chapter of their recovery, this program is designed to foster deep and lasting recovery, based on spiritual principles.
The Heart, Mind & Spirit Recovery® program is a proven 52-week spiritually based Recovery Meeting Program developed by Reverend Carol Wilke, a recovering alcoholic who has background in AA , New Thought, Spirituality and Science of Mind philosophy.
Childcare available.
Every Sunday is hospitality Sunday at 9:00am.
Join us for beverages, something to eat, and great conversations.
Environmental Team Meeting
We are going greener.
Our Environmental Team has begun a new composting program. They will be staffing new bins in the hospitality area to assist you in learning what items can be composted or recycled.
There is room for YOU to join the team.
Contact Terri Baugh: terribaugh5@gmail.com
Every Sunday is hospitality Sunday at 9:00am.
Join us for beverages, something to eat, and great conversations.
Men’s Group Breakfast
Breakfast at 9:00 am
Help set up at 8:00
This month’s speaker will be Ryan Speed, LMSW, a therapist with Prairie Sky Counseling Center
Trivia Night with Ruby
No ticket to purchase in advance. Just pay $10 at the door for an evening of family friendly games and fun. There will be activities for your kids. Drinks and snacks available to purchase.
Heart, Mind & Spirit Recovery
A new way of thinking about Recovery!
Meets Thursdays
5:45pm - 6:40pm
Buddha Room
This Recovery program was developed to lead people into a greater awareness of the spiritual component of recovery. For those who want to pursue the next chapter of their recovery, this program is designed to foster deep and lasting recovery, based on spiritual principles.
The Heart, Mind & Spirit Recovery® program is a proven 52-week spiritually based Recovery Meeting Program developed by Reverend Carol Wilke, a recovering alcoholic who has background in AA , New Thought, Spirituality and Science of Mind philosophy.
Childcare available.
Every Sunday is hospitality Sunday at 9:00am.
Join us for beverages, something to eat, and great conversations.
Heart, Mind & Spirit Recovery
A new way of thinking about Recovery!
Meets Thursdays
5:45pm - 6:40pm
Buddha Room
This Recovery program was developed to lead people into a greater awareness of the spiritual component of recovery. For those who want to pursue the next chapter of their recovery, this program is designed to foster deep and lasting recovery, based on spiritual principles.
The Heart, Mind & Spirit Recovery® program is a proven 52-week spiritually based Recovery Meeting Program developed by Reverend Carol Wilke, a recovering alcoholic who has background in AA , New Thought, Spirituality and Science of Mind philosophy.
Childcare available.
Every Sunday is hospitality Sunday at 9:00am.
Join us for beverages, something to eat, and great conversations.
Authentic Relating Games Night
Authentic Relating Games Nights are interactive experiences designed to foster genuine connection through pair and small group exercises that encourage presence, vulnerability, and deep listening.
By stepping beyond small talk, participants build emotional intelligence, strengthen relationships, and cultivate a greater sense of belonging and self-awareness.
Join us on Thursday Feb 20th at 7pm to make new friends and be a part of the conversation.
Heart, Mind & Spirit Recovery
A new way of thinking about Recovery!
Meets Thursdays
5:45pm - 6:40pm
Buddha Room
This Recovery program was developed to lead people into a greater awareness of the spiritual component of recovery. For those who want to pursue the next chapter of their recovery, this program is designed to foster deep and lasting recovery, based on spiritual principles.
The Heart, Mind & Spirit Recovery® program is a proven 52-week spiritually based Recovery Meeting Program developed by Reverend Carol Wilke, a recovering alcoholic who has background in AA , New Thought, Spirituality and Science of Mind philosophy.
Childcare available.
Every Sunday is hospitality Sunday at 9:00am.
Join us for beverages, something to eat, and great conversations.
Heart, Mind & Spirit Recovery
A new way of thinking about Recovery!
Meets Thursdays
5:45pm - 6:40pm
Buddha Room
This Recovery program was developed to lead people into a greater awareness of the spiritual component of recovery. For those who want to pursue the next chapter of their recovery, this program is designed to foster deep and lasting recovery, based on spiritual principles.
The Heart, Mind & Spirit Recovery® program is a proven 52-week spiritually based Recovery Meeting Program developed by Reverend Carol Wilke, a recovering alcoholic who has background in AA , New Thought, Spirituality and Science of Mind philosophy.
Childcare available.
Environmental Team Meeting
We are going greener.
Our Environmental Team has begun a new composting program. They will be staffing new bins in the hospitality area to assist you in learning what items can be composted or recycled.
There is room for YOU to join the team.
Contact Terri Baugh: terribaugh5@gmail.com
Every Sunday is hospitality Sunday at 9:00am.
Join us for beverages, something to eat, and great conversations.
Men's Group Breakfast
Breakfast at 8:30
Help set up at 7:30
This month’s speaker will be Mike Bishop from Allies for Racial Equity talking about “Why CSL? Why US?”
Heart, Mind & Spirit Recovery
A new way of thinking about Recovery!
Meets Thursdays
5:45pm - 6:40pm
Buddha Room
This Recovery program was developed to lead people into a greater awareness of the spiritual component of recovery. For those who want to pursue the next chapter of their recovery, this program is designed to foster deep and lasting recovery, based on spiritual principles.
The Heart, Mind & Spirit Recovery® program is a proven 52-week spiritually based Recovery Meeting Program developed by Reverend Carol Wilke, a recovering alcoholic who has background in AA , New Thought, Spirituality and Science of Mind philosophy.
Childcare available.
Allies for Racial Equity Let’s Talk About It
Come watch an excerpt of “Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man” followed by meaningful conversation with each other.
Snacks & Childcare available
Let’s Talk About It is a safe and sacred space where we come ready to lean in, listen, share, reflect, be present for each other and ourselves.