At CSLKC, we believe in the power of affirmative prayer.
What is affirmative prayer?
We do not believe in a reluctant God that needs to be begged or convinced to give us the good we seek. Our prayers are affirmative; they state what we believe is already true about God, as well as what is true about you. We believe that God is always ready to generously respond, and is simply waiting for those who are available and open to receiving. Affirmative prayer is a way to stay connected to the Source of life greater than your own.
Give yourself the gift of receiving an affirmative prayer from one of our Prayer Practitioners. It is their great privilege and joy to speak words of Truth for you and about you. An affirmative prayer practice can change your life.
You can fill out a Prayer Request Card (located in the back pockets of the aisle chairs or at the concierge desk), and place it in the offering plate or the box at the Concierge Desk or email any prayer requests to prayer@cslkc.org. Throughout the week or during whatever time you specify, you will have Practitioners affirming your request.
Our prayer practitioners update the 24/7 Prayer Line daily with a new affirmative prayer. Call 816-931-2396 anytime to hear a voice of compassion, wisdom, and inspiration.
We believe in the power of prayer to heal and transform any condition in our lives. We listen compassionately, never give advice, and pray from the belief that you deserve a life of love and joy. It would be our honor to support you by being your prayer partner.
Our prayer practitioners lead this weekly service on Wednesday evenings from 7:00pm - 7:40pm. Come along as they provide a space to practice the presence of Spirit.
Photo by Matheus Ferrero on Unsplash
Why see a Prayer Practitioner?
Because we all need a spiritual support system, someone we can talk to about what's troubling us who will just listen, not judge or give advice, and then say a prayer with us that will give us hope, raise our faith, and leave us feeling like the good we seek is a possibility. They are available to pray with you before and after our Sunday services. And, if you find you would like more time with one of them, they are available for one hour appointments by contacting them at their personal information below.
Lorna Dempster, RScP
Contact Lorna
Mark Hayes, RScP
Contact Mark
Melynda Little, RScP
Contact Melynda
Jessica Royer, RScP
Contact Jessica